Truth really a free app? If not Apple’s fault!

What if Truth it wasn’t really like that true how does it call its name? There is no doubt that he exists, considering his debut earlier this week. The problem is mostly hers sincerity: it was born as a refuge for all those who on Twitter – and in general on social networks – feel “gagged”, not free to tell (their) truth on any topic, from Covid to the attack on the Capitol. Yet, say the first users who signed up on the social network (or rather, who managed to sign upgiven the technical blackouts of these early days), so much freedom of expression does not seem to exist.

22 Oct


21 Feb


First let’s start with a number: 500,000. Are the truthsayer (this is how the users of the app are called) on the waiting list who are waiting to have their account unlocked in order to access the platform. Considering the launch that took place just a couple of days ago – and only on iOS – the numbers look very promising. What is certain is that if the app had been able to immediately accommodate adeptsmaybe it would have been better.


It is not true, it seems, that Truth adopts a more moderate policy of moderation than Twitter. On the contrary. To give an example reported by several American newspapers, a user was rejected by the social network because he had chosen as username @DevineNunesCow, mimicking one of the Twitter accounts that in the past had been used to satirize the Republican Devin Nunes who, casuallyhe is also the CEO of the company that runs the Truth Social app.

Then there are those who say that Twitter, compared to Truth, is a much freer app. The terms and conditions of Trump’s platform are indeed particularly stringent: to say (what Truth believes to be) false involves suspension or banas well as the publication of defamatory, deceptive content, “slanderous or objectionable“. Twitter, on this, has larger meshes.

Trump permanently banned from Twitter, including sub accounts

09 Jan

Trump denounced Google, Facebook and Twitter: the accusation

07 Jul


Meanwhile, on the App Store, the app has a score 4.1 out of 5. Not bad, despite everything, especially considering that the majority of users complain that they have not yet managed to complete the registration. There is also who accuses Apple of deliberately boycotting the appcreating ad hoc technical problems to make it collapse before it enters full capacity.