2021 was the record year for the app market

The app market has seen a new record in 2021: it amounts, in fact, to the monstre figure of $ 18.3 billion the earnings of the 100 main apps that provide for the subscription of in-app subscriptions onApp Store Of Apple It is on Play Store by Google.

To get an idea, a detailed report provided by SensorTower indicates how this figure constitutes a 41% increase compared to the revenue generated by the app market in 2020 (which in turn had grown by 34% compared to 2019).

It should also be noted that the data shown refer only to applications intended as such and not to games: Earnings through subscriptions of this type of app constitute about 14% of the total 131.6 billion dollars spent in 2021 on in-app purchases (also considering mobile games), up from 11.7 % registered in 2020.

Analyzing the graph (photo above), it is possible to see how in 2021 consumers spent the 41% more compared to 2020 (the year in which the total figure was 13 billion dollars): once again the trend is confirmed according to which on App Store more is spent on apps with subscriptions ($ 13.5 billion out of a total of $ 18.2 billion, an increase of 31% compared to 2020).

Regarding the Play Storethe expenses for the subscription apps have registered ahuge growth compared to 2020 (+ 78% compared to 2020, reaching 4.8 billion dollars).

In-app subscriptions are the future

To dominate the classics of the 10 apps for subscription subscription in 2021 we find Alphabetwhich through YouTube (ranked first globally and on the App Store) generated $ 1.2 billion in revenue and through Google One (ranked first on the Play Store) generated $ 1.1 billion in revenue.

Top 10 by app market with most profitable in-app subscriptions

In addition to applications such as Disney + or Netflixwho base the use of their content on in-app subscriptions, even the giants of social media such as Twitter, TikTok And Instagram they do not stand by and are implementing the possibility of in-app subscriptions to enjoy additional features.

In short, the number of apps that provide in-app subscriptions is set to increase and seems, more than ever, to represent the future.

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