Eraid 2022: 1,400 km around Italy aboard electric cars. We will leave Rome

After the success of the first edition, Eraid, a 1,400 km long journey aboard electric cars only which will be attended by journalists, testers, guests and private customers. An event that will try to answer the “question” of how electric cars have evolved in the last 12 months.


It will be Rome to host the departure of the Rare 2022. The 1,400 km route will unfold on the most famous Italian state roads. The event will be held from 23 to 26 June 2022. From Lazio, the route will touch other regions “navigating north” and will then end three days and about 1,400 km later in a restricted area of ​​a city that will be revealed only a few days before the fear of 2022.

The Capital will be the location where the technical checks and the “briefing” of the participants will also take place. In many places touched by the event, a “passage control” will be established which, in addition to verifying that all cars pass through the nodal points of the route, will allow crews of two people to rest between the various driving shifts. The regulation provides that the entire event takes place on non-tolled roads; it will therefore never be allowed to use the motorway to “bypass” the route or reach the finish line.

In the 2021 appointment in which HDMotori had also participated, Eraid had explored the potential of the sector. In this new edition we will try to understand how electric cars have progressed. In addition, the progress of the charging infrastructure will also be verified.

The cars that will be the protagonists of this event have not been announced. However, the organizers talk about the latest 100% electric models as well as some previews. However, there will also be private crews at the start with their electric cars that they use every day.