Anonymous takes sides in support of Ukraine in the war against Russia

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is also played out onlinelike a real one cyber warfare. After the recorded hacker attacks from Ukraine in recent days (even in recent weeks), today the collective has taken a stand Anonymous. Through the official Twitter account, in fact, the hacktivism movement, widespread on an international scale, announced that it was in a “cyber war against the Russian government ”.

In the hours immediately following the announcement, they were recorded various cyber attacks, attributable to Anonymous. These attacks were subsequently also claimed via Twitter by the collective of hackers who, most likely, over the next few hours and days will return to the attack against Russia’s government computer systems, which may soon have to deal with sanctions also linked to the tech world.

The online channels of some Russian media, close to the government’s positions regarding the issue of the conflict in Ukraine, were also attacked. Currently, the sites are back online and accessible but, as noted above, it’s easy to speculate new interventions by Anonymous in this real cyber war against Russia. It should be noted that Anonymous also anticipated the launch of a large-scale attack on Kiev by the Russian military.

The position of Anonymous in this conflict has not been commented on by the Russian government which does not seem, at least for the moment, to have given too much weight to this new “enemy” in the conflict with Ukraine. A few days after the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the situation is still in constant flux and the “online” front represents a new element, which could take on a particularly high importance in the next few days.