Beware of phishing emails signed by the State Police

These days the State Police has issued an alarm due to a new maxi campaign phishing that exploits the good name of the police forces as a bait. It is about fake emails that cybercriminals sign using the name of Dr. Nunzia Ciardi, Senior Executive of the State Police, former Director of the Postal Police. Let’s find out together what they are and why they are dangerous.

New phishing emails exploit the name of the State Police

The attacks continue phishing by expert cybercriminals who, in order to steal personal and banking data of the victims, devise all possible tricks. These days, as the State Police is paying attention on its official website, fakes are spreading e-mail that exploit the name of the Dr. Nunzia CiardiSenior Executive of the State Police.

It is an email that tries to generate panic in the recipient, the subject of an alleged investigation for child pornography. Obviously none of this is true and, above all, the poor victim who receives this message is absolutely not investigated about anything. However, there are many users who are falling into the trap because the email is also seasoned with the official logos of the State Police. Here is the original text of this phishing scam:

Hi, I contact you shortly after a computer infiltration seizure (Authorized, especially in the case of child pornography, Pornographic site, Cyber ​​pornography), to inform you that you are the subject of various legal proceedings. Please respond as soon as you receive this email. Reply as soon as you receive this email. If there is no answer, we will be obliged to proceed and you will be held in custody until you are brought before the prosecutor.

What to do in these cases

Many will be wondering how to behave when faced with these cases which, however, contain a very strong message. What is the best course of action? First you need to understand the truth purpose of these attacks phishing. Specifically, the State Police explained what the ultimate purpose of this scam email is:

All in order to cause agitation in the recipient, inducing him to recontact the scammers and thus exposing himself to subsequent requests for cash payments and the communication of his personal data.

That said, it is imperative not to panic when receiving these messages as well ignore them. Also because, as specified on the official website of the State Police, no police force would contact citizens directly via email to ask them for payments in money or to send communication of their personal data under threat of criminal proceedings or sanctions.