One week after the theatrical release of The Batman, DC has announced surprise in the late Italian evening of yesterday the new creative of batman, the comic series, which will debut with the # 125 expected in American comics next June. It is about Chip Zdarsky (author already at work with excellent feedback in DC for a few months and long-time writer of Daredevil for Marvel) to the texts and Jorge Jiménez, Spanish superstar who had already drawn Batman paired with James Tynion IV. The new creative team takes over from Joshua Williamson and Jorge Molina in fact ferrymen after the sudden abandonment of Tynion IV himself.
Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jiménez are the new Batman creative team
Chip Zdarsky, who joins the very small circle of authors who have written both Batman and Daredevil and which includes among others Frank Miller and Ed Brubaker, and Jorge Jiménez will begin their work on Batman with a 6-part story arc entitled Failsafe in which Bruce Wayne is haunted by nightmares of a future he cannot prevent. But he himself will probably never see that future because an unstoppable enemy is returning from Batman’s past with one goal: to finish Batman.
More than the official synopsis, Zdarsky’s statements are certainly more interesting:
When DC offered me to write Batman I immediately thought about what could be mentally, physically and emotionally challenging for him. Failsafe will be his Doomsday a bit. When I started basing my story I realized that this way I could make the series really fun. I have long-term plans for the show, I’m going to be here for quite a while, and I’m going to try to get all the bats and the amazing team of writers working on it. I believe readers will be very happy in the coming months. Really, I’m writing the Batman I’d like to read: dark, action-packed, and always high-stakes. The reference reader is my brother, a long-time reader, I want to make him happy first of all!

Word of praise for Jorge Jiménez:
He is a superstar not as an artist but as a person! He is delightful and enthusiastic about the direction we want to give the character, which is great. We talked about taking a dark approach to the series and he was immediately receptive with some incredible boards. I really can’t find better adjectives for Jorge. His style is fantastic plus he’s very fast. The only thing that pisses me off is that he’s incredibly handsome and that’s not good. Fortunately, with the pandemic and the safety regulations we will never be too close to the convention otherwise I would disfigure alongside him.

Zdarsky closed on a note that can only make long-time Batmanian fans happy:
In recent years, we’ve seen Batman often work alone or with a host of Robins. I want to bring the character’s “Batman & Robin” back to the fore while maintaining this dark tone. Tim Drake is my favorite and using him here in this context was really fun.

Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jiménez, il new Batman creative team, will debut on Batman # 125 which will be released in June in the United States. Recall that Zdarsky is also rewriting the origins of the Dark Knight in the miniseries Batman: The Knight with pencils by Carmine Di Giandomenico. The writer also confirmed in his personal newsletter that he does not intend to leave the reins of Daredevil.