CIE Automotive earns 267.5 million euros, 44% more

CIE Automotive has presented the accounts for 2021, when it obtained a net profit of 267.5 million euros in 2021, a figure 44% higher than that of 2020, as reported by the company to the National Securities Market Commission on Monday ( CNMV).

The group’s gross operating result (Ebitda) improved by 33% in 2021, to 574.7 million euros, while the net operating result (Ebit) rose 42% compared to 2020, totaling 403.5 millions of euros.

CIE Automotive’s turnover in 2021 reached 3,269 million euros, 13% above that obtained in 2020, the first year of the pandemic.

The group has highlighted that in 2021 it managed to reach pre-pandemic levels despite the fact that, compared to 2019, almost 12 million fewer vehicles have been produced and the negative impact that currency conversion has had, which has caused sales and profit is 192 and 18 million euros lower than in 2019, respectively.