do you want an Instagram app for iPad? Forget it, for now

The manager of Instagram claims there aren’t enough iPad users to justify creating a dedicated app. In fact, we do not know the well-known social network notoriously does not have a dedicated iPad app and it does not seem that things will change anytime soon. In a Twitter post this weekend, the Instagram boss Adam Mosseri he tried again to defend this decision, albeit with a rather meager motivation.

No hope for Apple’s Instagram for iPad

This is far from the first time Instagram has been scrutinized for its inability to create a dedicated app for apple tablets. Last year, Mosseri claimed that an Instagram app “it would have been nice to make“, But that the app has”a lot to do and just so many people, so he hasn’t studied anything about it yet“. He gave an almost identical answer in 2020.

This time, Mosseri took a slightly different approach to addressing this complaint. In response to a tweet from Marques Brownlee on the lack of an iPad appthe CEO of the most famous social network of recent times, this time acknowledged that Instagram has been receiving this request for a long time, saying at the same time that there are not enough iPad users to justify the work.

He wrote:

Yes, we get this often. It’s still not a large enough group of people to be a priority. Hoping to get there sooner or later, but right now we’re head down on other things.

In a later tweet, he added:

These are “features”; things like dark mode support, scheduled posts, an iPad app, deleting a photo from a carousel, etc.

And in a third tweet, he explained:

Each platform adds an overhead; we support iOS, Android, www and IG Lite and… Android is our largest catchment area. TikTok and YouTube are giants, people share more messages than in stories or feeds, so we have to adapt. We are smaller than you think.

It will be … this motivation “stinks” a bit to us …