Iliad today celebrates the inauguration of the Flagship Store in Rimini: it is the 25th in Italy!

The expansion of Iliad on the Italian territory. There distribution network of the operator, which we recall recently launched its fiber offer, is now counting over 3,500 points of sale throughout Italy including more than 1.110 between iliad Store and Corner, over 400 iliad Points and more than 2,000 iliad Express.

Today the 25th Flagship Storeto Riminiinside the Le Befane shopping center.

This is the third store in Emilia Romagnaand inside it is obviously present the totem dedicated to Iliadboxwith the Iliadbox modem and the iliad wifi extender are displayed on the shelf.

The opening eventof which you can see the photos below, will see the iliad store set up with balloons, photobooths and gadget for those who will participate.