Servant: Apple TV + series ends up in court again

Looking forward to the fourth and final season, the horror-thriller series Servant – available on Apple TV + – returns to the center of media attention, but this time not to bring us news about the next season. At the center of everything, in fact, is the evolution of a legal case that has affected the series since 2020when the director Francesca Gregorini had sued the production and director M. Night Shyamalan claiming that Servant is nothing more than the plagiarism of one of his works from 2013, The truth about Emanuel.

In both cases we are dealing with stories that – basically – revolve around the figure of a mother who takes care of a doll as if it were a real child (basically a reborn mom) and the ties that develop with the nanny who has to take care of them. In May 2020 it was Judge John F. Walter who closed the casestating that the two series were sufficiently differentcondemning Gregorini to pay court costs – over $ 162,000 – and emphasizing how the director’s accusations were unreasonable and distorted with the aim of creating a forced similarity between the two works.

Today, however, it seems that the case is not closed, since an appeals court has called the matter back into play. In fact, Gregorini was again recognized the right to proceed with your complaint against Apple and Shyamalan. In fact, the appeal contested the validity of the first sentence, stating that there is room for discussing the similarities between the two works with a different court. Initially, Gregorini requested compensation for damages, the blocking of production and the destruction of all the material deemed related to its intellectual property.

At this point there is likely a ruling in his favor it could mean blocking next season and the removal of the series from the Apple TV + list, but it’s still too early to know for sure.