The King’s Man – The origins, review

The King’s Man – The origins is available from today on Disney Plus for all subscribers at no additional cost.

The King’s Man – The origins is the third installment in the entertaining saga of the intelligence agency Kingsman born from the comic of the same name Mark Millar And Dave Gibbonstakes us to the early 1900s to tell us about the birth of the group of British spies committed against a global conspiracy organized by the most dangerous figures of the time, against the backdrop of the First World War.

Directed by Matthew Vaughn like the previous chapters Kingsman – Secret Service And Kingsman – The Golden Circlebut with a totally new cast and less light themes than these, it will succeed The King’s Man – The origins to replicate the great success of its predecessors? After listening to the experiences of the cast in the press conference, let’s go to see in detail this new adventure of the agents born as a less serious alternative to Spy-Movie Of James Bond.

The King’s Man – The origins

We are in the early 1900s and Europe is at the gates of what will be remembered as the bloodiest conflict in history, the WWI. Internal tensions are becoming increasingly worrying, above all due to relations between three great historical figures: Tsar Nicholas II Romanov, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and King George V of the United Kingdom, cousins ​​raised in the court of his grandmother Queen Victoria, and now to head of the 3 major European powers. Orlando Oxford, Duke of Oxford is an important figure of the English court and of the European political scene. Ex-British soldier now devoted to pacifism after experiencing the aftermath of war on his skin, he dedicated his life to protect his son. Conrada seventeen year old boy who burns with the desire to fight for his homeland, and not be a coward in the eyes of society.


To guarantee his son the right defense tools, Orlando subjected him to constant physical and psychological training thanks to his factotum and bodyguard. Sholaand the brilliant and talented nanny Polly, a woman with a mentality far ahead of that of the period in which she lives. As political tensions are nearing breaking point, a mysterious figure will bring together the most terrible criminal minds and the most evil tyrants of the time for a plan of global conquest that will force the outbreak of the world conflict. Orlando Oxford despite his choice of pacifism, will be forced by events to make radical choices to save the lives of millions of people.

The King's Man The origins - meeting with the Cast

The Cast

The King’s Man – The origins brings to the screen a rich and talented cast, a completely new cast compared to the previous chapters as, as already mentioned, it is a prequel set almost 100 years before the first two chapters. The protagonists are Ralph Fiennes And Harris Dickinson, both work very well both in physicality and in how they have developed the relationship between a son eager to grow up and a father marked by events who would like to protect him at all costs in an almost suffocating way. The nanny Polly, played by Gemma Arterton, a strong and capable woman who must still maintain a more reserved status in the eyes of the society of the time. Same fate as the role of Djimon Hounsou; his Shola is a bodyguard with very high fighting skills who in the eyes of society must however show himself as a servant of the family, a role that still allows the actor to demonstrate once again how comfortable he is in action roles.

The King's Man The origins - meeting with the CastThe King's Man The origins - meeting with the CastThe King's Man The origins - meeting with the CastThe King's Man The origins - meeting with the CastThe King's Man The origins - meeting with the CastThe King's Man The origins - meeting with the CastThe King's Man The origins - meeting with the Cast

Tom Hollander has the task of playing three roles in The King’s Man – The Origins: King George, the Tsar of Russia and the German Kaiser. The three rulers were cousins ​​and between them there was a great similarity, so much so that in several historical royal photos they used to exchange clothes as a joke, hence the choice of a single actor.

Without making any previews, which have not already been seen in trailers and promotional posters, one of the main Villains is the mad monk Grigorij Rasputin, and under the long greasy hair and messy beard is the actor. Rhys Ifans, who declared himself fascinated by the figure of the mystical adviser of the Romanov family since he was a child, and we can say that he managed to make this character already full of charm linked to the metropolitan legends that see him as protagonist, decidedly disturbing and fascinating, like that of his death, and which over the years have made him a kind of Rock star of the time. In the cast of King’s Man – The Origins we also find Charles Dancefabulous as in every interpretation, large or small, and Daniele Brühlthe Baron Zemo of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that we also saw in the TV series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier on Disney +

The King's Man The origins - meeting with the Cast

The King’s man – The origins vs Kingsman

The King’s Man – The origins the trend already started with the previous chapters continues, namely that of making the Spy-Movie genre less serious. The project was born from a discussion between Mark Millar and director Matthew Vaughn of how the James Bond film had lost that charm of the first chapters to turn more and more on serious and dark themes. The main difference with the other films of the brand is that here that sense of student spirit has been greatly reduced; The King’s Man – The Origins it is a film full of action and deliberately exaggerated situations, especially in the fighting, but at the same time it is aware of how much the historical period in which it is set deserves due respect and shows us many scenes directly through the eyes of the soldiers at the front engaged in grueling trench warfare, a few meters from the enemy in the same conditions.


As for the scenes purely action lovers of fighting will not be disappointed, given the wealth of fights: sword fights, fights of bartitsu, English martial art which consists in fighting with the use of the stick or umbrella, but in particular The King’s Man – The origins gives us one of the fighting scenes that we would like to see over and over again and which will see the protagonists collide with music and acrobatics.

The King's Man The origins - meeting with the Cast

The idea of ​​using historical facts and characters in the unfolding of things is fun and to quote the director, it is like seeing a punk version of the story we know from the books and could be an interesting new course for the future of the series. The King’s Man – The Origins it is a funny film that must be seen for what it is, that is entertainment, without criticizing the truthfulness of the facts or actions that the various characters perform on the screen.

The King’s man – The origins will arrive in Italian cinemas on January 5, 2022.