Ukraine asks Apple to block the Russian App Store

The situation in Ukraine it became critical in a few hours. With Russian troops marching to the city of Kievthe government distributed weapons to its citizens in an attempt to stop the Russian advance.

However, we all know that this is a struggle that pits a small state against a world giant. The Ukrainian government will not get military aid in a direct effort. However, some friendly countries will send supplies. The local government is trying it all and calling on everything it can to help the country resist the Russian invasion.

Ukraine ready for anything: it also asks for help from Apple

In an open letter published on Friday afternoon, the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, Mykailo Fedorovurged Apple to stop providing products and services to Russian users in response to the ongoing invasion of the country.

Effectively, the United States and Europe have applied multiple sanctions against Russia. Among these sanctions, Russia will see a huge blockade in the supply of semiconductors. Although the country has a huge supply from China, it will still be affected by these sanctions. Now, the government leader wants Apple’s help to fight Putin’s country.

It is reported that the prime minister has contacted Tim Cook in an attempt to block the Apple Store for users in Russia. The company just needs to support the US government sanctions package. It also sends a message directly to Russian citizens: “If you agree to have the assassin-president, then you’ll have to settle for the only Russia 24 site available“.

His letter says:

The armed forces and citizens defend Ukraine to the end. The whole world is pushing back the aggressor by imposing sanctions; the enemy must suffer significant losses.

But we need your support. In 2022, modern technology is perhaps the best answer to tanks, multiple rocket launchers and missiles.

I appeal to you and I am sure you will listen to him. We know that you will do everything to protect Ukraine, Europe and finally, the democratic world.

Stop the supply of Apple products and services to the Russian Federation, including blocking access to the App Store. We are confident that such actions will mobilize Russia’s youth and active population to proactively stop the shameful military aggression.

According to Pentagon estimates, more than 50,000 Russian soldiers entered Ukraine. The troops have moved to Kiev and there is an intense struggle going on. The site of the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl was taken Thursday by Russian forces, raising concerns about the ongoing handling of the radioactive materials. The fighting causes tens of thousands of Ukrainians to flee their homes, who are taking shelter in the subway or in neighboring countries.

Apple did not respond to a request for comment on the letter.

Source: Twitter Myhailo Fedorov