ANFIA (National Association of the Automotive Industry Sector) e Motus-E decided to jointly launch one last appeal to the Government for the introduction of measures to support the automotive sector within the Budget Law 2022. As we know, in the past some members of the government had talked about new incentives. Indeed, it seemed that the possibility of creating a structured aid plan was being discussed.
Instead, as we have seen, up to now, within the Budget Law there is nothing for the auto sector, except a small “sop” for dealerships hit by the crisis. due to the pandemic.
The two associations, therefore, launched an appeal for the government and political forces to “approve the only proposal for a structural plan for sustainable mobility currently under parliamentary scrutiny, fully shared by the companies of the national production chain and by all the operators who are investing in the development of electric mobility and which reflects the transversal will of various political forces that had already presented similar proposals“. We speak, specifically, of amendment 10.0.35 which provides aid for electric and low-emission cars.
ANFIA and Motus-E consider it incomprehensible total absence of planning and adequate measures at the historical moment and the industrial, economic, and social weight of a sector such as the automotive sector. All this, at a time when there is also discussion on the objectives to be achieved under the Fit for 55 packages and on the reduction of emissions from the transport sector by 2030.
The absence of measures to support the automotive sector, for the two associations, could have serious consequences. It is expected that in the absence of incentives the market share of vehicles with zero / very low emissions plummeted from 9.4% reached in the period January-September 2021 thanks to the support measures, to about 5% in 2022. The positive trend triggered in recent years should therefore be abruptly interrupted, just when the sector is required to further accelerate towards the ecological transition.
For all this, the two associations are asking the government to give a signal to the country, approving measures in favor of the auto sector.
On behalf of all the companies in the industrial chain, of the Italian entrepreneurs and workers who are facing the productive transition and of the consumers who are asked to give their contribution by replacing the most polluting cars, we ask the Government and the political forces to approve the proposal and give an important signal to the country system.