Ethereum developers can earn up to USD 100,000 a year with this training

The cryptocurrency ecosystem is a world that is mostly covered by men. Above all, in the jobs that exist in the industry. That is why, in order to bridge this gap, a developer from Uruguay named Ale who works on Ethereum five years ago opened a training course for women only.

Ale, who goes by the alias “Ethernaut”, declared: “I really feel like this space is extremely unbalanced and could use a little more female energy.” For this reason, With her tutoring, she seeks to contribute a grain of sand so that there is a gender balance among the developers of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The training is not sponsored by an organization. Although he claims that if you get a job as a developer in the industry, EthernautDAO’s standard minimum salary is $100,000 a yearwhich is equivalent to more than USD 8,300 per month.


Normally this type of work can be done from anywhere in the world, since it is usually remote. It only requires an internet connection. This is one of the factors that characterizes programming jobs and also the cryptocurrency industry that is distinguished by its decentralization.

The tutorial is aimed at programmers who already know how to code

Something that is important to clarify is that the tutoring is not aimed at beginners. You need to have coding knowledge to be able to do it. What the tutor will focus on is training specifically in web 3.

The Ethereum programmer specifies that you must have Javascript experience and familiarity with open source software development. A semi-senior level will be fine. The developer warns: “I will not be teaching programming. The tutorial will focus on what you need to know so you can get involved in web 3 development as soon as possible.”

The mentorship seeks to have more women working as developers in Ethereum. Source: Gerzon Pinata /

The course has the flexibility to be flexibly assembled according to the intention of the learner. It is not directed to a particular protocol, unless the student so wishes. Ethernaut says, “We can do general training and then focus on a challenge, protocol, theme, role, etc.”

During training, the trainee is expected to make significant contributions to an existing protocol or build a proof of concept (POC). A POC is the implementation of an idea to verify its viability because it can be useful.

The course lasts a maximum of two months with a workload of two to four hours per week. It can be 100% remote with one or two calls a week and with a reduced number of people. The idea is that only one or two students enter the course. Those interested can apply by sending a private message to Ethernaut#2991 on Discord.

The duration of the course makes sense, considering that, as CriptoNoticias reported, a recent study of Solidity, the code language of Ethereum, revealed that it is possible to learn it in just one month. This was estimated, after conducting a survey of developers from 73 countries, including some from Latin America and Spain. In addition, they stated that it is easier for those who know programming languages ​​such as Javascript, C or Python.

The Solidity study also revealed that it is possible to learn the language and get a job quickly on Ethereum. This is because the majority of developers surveyed stated that in less than six months they feel productive with the language.