Google sees everything black: the Search page gets even darker

Do you like the dark theme? Well, if the answer is affirmative, you should know that soon there will be a news from Google: the black theme. Nothing particularly striking, but if you think about it, it could be a change from not only aesthetic purposes, but also energy saving of our smartphones with AMOLED display should the new theme be extended to mobile devices in the future. In fact, total black means dull pixels, and dull pixels means lower consumption.

The news, it was said, should arrive on the Search page, initially only for the version web desktop. Away with the dark gray that made its debut last September, then, and space for complete darkness: # 000000. And even the other colors – those of the links and pages already visited, so to speak – will undergo some variations with more decisive colors: aesthetically more appealing, of course, but also practically more recognizable and evident.

It is not quite yet clear if the theme dark current will remain as an option in the Settings, or if it is entirely replaced by the new “total black mode”. 9to5Google reports that the distribution of this novelty is still limited and not related to a particular operating system. There are also those who found themselves faced with the black theme and then saw it disappear later. In short, the test phase is in progress, and we still have to understand if Google will actually intend to launch this option or if it will retrace its steps instead. Everything will depend on the feedback received from users.