history search also for the Android and iOS application

Youtube is gradually implementing in the application for Android And iOS a feature that users were clamoring for: searching through the videos listed in the chronologya possibility already available to anyone who uses the web version of the platform on a daily basis.

New update for Youtube: how to search the history

For some time now, those who visit the Youtube website have been able to easily search among the videos displayed until then from your account. A function that could be very useful if you want to go back to a specific video seen previously but of which there are several alternative contents uploaded by multiple users.

So, by going to the section “Chronology” (in case your account had already been included in the update), you may notice the presence of a dedicated bar with the magnifying glass and the writing next to it “Search View History”. At that point, all you have to do is enter the keyword you are interested in and proceed with the search operation.

Instead, to return to the complete list of videos displayed on, just click on the button “X” available on the right. A feature certainly appreciated on Youtube for Android and iOS which, without a shadow of a doubt, will lead to a considerable saving of time in similar situations: it was time for this feature also landed on the mobile version of the application.