Iliad surpasses all in terms of customer satisfaction

Iliad far exceeds the other Italian operators in terms of customer satisfaction. The data was collected during an Ipsos survey in January 2022, with a sample of 3001 users: let’s find out more about the results.

Iliad customers are the most satisfied: TIM, WINDTRE and Vodafone far away

The Vodafone network was confirmed as the best even according to the latest data released by nPerf, but apparently this is not enough for users. Despite Iliad’s last place in the barometer just mentioned, the operator is the one with the most satisfied customers: the survey was carried out by Ipsos on 3,001 respondents, divided between Iliad (750), TIM (750), Vodafone (751) customers ) and WINDTRE (750), between 5 and 8 January 2022.

As we can see in the graph below, Iliad achieves a much higher NPS than the other operators: this is the difference between the percentage of “Promoters” users (who provided a degree of satisfaction between 9 and 10, in blue) and that of “Detractors” users (0-6, in red). The “Passive” users (7-8) are represented in yellow. Iliad reaches an NPS of 52.3%, while TIM (17%), WINDTRE (11.9%) and Vodafone (11.4%) are very far behind.

This instead is a graph showing the trend between August 2021 and January 2022: in general the data remain fairly stable, but there is a decrease in Vodafone’s NPS (from 15.4% to 11.4%) and an increase in that of WINDTRE (from 8.4% to 11.9%).

Iliad customers declare themselves very satisfied in 49.2% of cases, against TIM’s 21.5%, WINDTRE’s 19.9% ​​and Vodafone’s 18.6%. Many users still declare themselves satisfied with their operator, but 11.9% of the unsatisfied (adding even those not at all satisfied) stand out for the red operator.

It therefore appears that Iliad’s relationship with its customers is better than that of other Italian operators. Iliad’s policy based on transparency and zero remodulations is obviously bearing fruit, even in the face of a less performing network on a general level. If you want to know more and consult all the data released by Ipsos you can follow this link.

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