Meta: A bot will suffice to create worlds in the metaverse

Meta has yet to convince the public and investors that the declared change in commercial strategy announced in recent months will work. To achieve this goal, the colossus led by Mark Zuckerberg will have to undertake to explain even better what his metaverse is on which so many resources he is concentrating, what can be done in that virtual space and what earning opportunities it can offer to the companies that want to make it. part. The recent announcement of a new technology for the creation of worlds in the metaversecurrently under development, is a further piece that adds to the general plan.

Is called Bot Builder and Zuckerberg himself talked about it during a virtual event in which the most recent research on artificial intelligence was taken stock. The goal is to enable the creation of worlds in the metaverse through a bot with which you interact using simple voice commands: it allows you to describe a world and then generates aspects of that world for you. In the course of the event – reports Engadget – Zuckerberg and another employee concretely demonstrated the potential of Builder Bot: using only voice commands they created a scene on a beach by adding a picnic table, clouds, a hydrofoil, and sound effects. All very simple, it seems.

It must be said that Builder Bot appears to be in one stage of embryonic development: The worlds it is capable of producing have rather sparse graphics and lower resolution than other metaverse demos. Zuckerberg confirms that this is a beginning and that with the refinement of technology it will be possible to create worlds more and more rich in detail. Builder Bot is part of the larger Project CAIRaoke project with which Meta aims to create conversational artificial intelligence dedicated to the creation of virtual worlds. Zuckerberg explains:

In the metaverse we will need artificial intelligence created to help people explore virtual worlds and our physical world with augmented reality. When we have the viewer on the face, for the first time an artificial intelligence system will be able to really see the world from our perspective: see what we see, hear what we hear and more.

It will also be as Zuckerberg says and the project can be considered interesting to involve the user more in the Meta metaverse by making him become the creator of the worlds he explores. However, something more concrete is needed to bring the balance sheet of a VR division into profit which, after the recent change of course, can no longer be considered of secondary importance. The growing number of users of the Horizon platform is an encouraging sign, but it is premature to predict what to do next (simple curiosity or something destined to last?). According to official data since launch 10,000 worlds have been created in Horizon Worlds, developing new tools to easily modify them or to create new ones could prove to be a good move.