Nathan Never’s 2022: the origin of evil

Sergio Bonelli Editore continues through his official sitethe traditional roundup with the news coming for the 2022 by Nathan Never which, according to the curator Glauco Guardigli, will focus on the sworn enemy of Agent Alpha, Aristotle Skotos, but will not fail to reserve some news within the framework of the Universe nathanneveriano.

The 2022 of Nathan Never

Nathan Never’s 2022: the origin of evil

2022 began, as we all know, with a register that it has brought back to the fore the nemesis of Nathan Never or Aristotle Skotos. It is a project developed by Bepi Vigna which will not culminate in bringing back to life the charismatic leader of the Church of the Divine Presence (who we remember was killed by Nathan himself on number 149).

In the first issues of the year, until the next issue in March, in fact, the books are divided into two distinct parts, often also entrusted to different designers (including Dante Bastianoni, Max Bertolini, Germano Bonazzi, Sergio Giardo and Romeo Toffanetti). In the first we follow Nathan investigate Skotos’ material legacy, in the second, entitled precisely “The origins of Evil”, we will instead focus on the tragic events that marked his childhood, when his surname was still Slamor.

The 2022 of Nathan Never
The 2022 of Nathan Never

This particular structure of the albums will be revived again in the summer with a second cycle of three books that will continue the investigation turning the spotlight this time on the years in which Aristotle, now a young adult, takes his first steps in the criminal underworld.

In the middle there will be a leap into the future, more precisely 500 years after the events taking place on the regular series. The story in question, also written by Vigna and entrusted to the drawings of Antonio Fara and Luciano Regazzoni, will have as its protagonist a now elderly Nathan is awakened from his forced sleep in a biostasis capsule by an extremely evolved extraterrestrial civilization.

The 2022 of Nathan Never
The 2022 of Nathan Never

Always in the summer it will come back Nathan Never BIS, written by Davide Rigamonti and on whose pages various artists will alternate, for a story that will see the return of Dr. Herschfeld, the Alfa Agency shrink.

Still as regards the regular series, Guardigli promises important news, with distortions of cast, hierarchies and settings, opening of new offices, departures, arrivals, new directors. Everything will culminate with the register scheduled for October on newsstands signed by Vigna and Bonazzi.

The 2022 of Nathan Never
The 2022 of Nathan Never

The Special Nathan Never it will be signed by Rigamonti and will be dedicated to Artie, a homeless with an indomitable spirit, a born fighter, unable to tolerate injustice. The year will then close with the expected meeting between the Alfa Agency and the Justice League, the group formed by the most powerful characters of the DC superheroic universe, in a team-up written by Adriano Barone, Michele Medda and Bepi Vigna and drawn with an eye to Neal Adams by Sergio Giardo.

The 2022 of Nathan Never
The 2022 of Nathan Never

The 2022 of the Sergio Bonelli Editore series