Real Estate Corner: Interview Silicius SOCIMI

Silicius is a Socimi of the Mazabi group specialized in the purchase and management of profitable properties that generate stable income for shareholders by providing an annual coupon.

They are increasingly diversified rents under a low-debt policy that is also characterized by fairly tight management costs from the investor’s point of view.

Likewise, it is a company that works under the premise of a long-term conservative investment and professional asset management.

“Silicius’ current moment is adulthood. We were born in 2015, we started with two clear objectives, the first, to create a very stable long-term income vehicle, highly diversified in professional wealth management and we have been consolidating that in the portfolio up to 720 million gross assets end of 2021 and the second strategic objective – he adds – “is the liquidity of the share, which we took a first step in September 2021 with the start of the listing of Silicius shares on BME Growth, we have not yet achieved the strategic objective that the action is liquid, but we have already grown older”, explains Juan Díaz de Bustamante, General Director of Silicius SOCIMI, for the Real Estate Corner.

If you want to know the business of Silicius SOCIMI from the hand of its General Manager, do not miss the full interview.