Selling on Facebook: useful tips on page, products, photos and promotion

SmartWorld team

Whether to create a web space for the sale of its products it is a goal that has been renounced to pursue because it is considered too demanding, why not evaluate the possibility of exploiting one platform as popular as Facebook? There are some basic steps you need to take to increase your chances of success. Here’s what they are.

How to create a sales page on Facebook

The first essential step to take is the creation of a Facebook page to then build a showcase of products specifically aimed at e-commerce or online sales. To do this, you need to access your Facebook profile and select Create new page. Then enter the name, choose the category and describe the type of business. Then click on Create page and Save.

Once the page is created, you have to insert your profile picture, clicking on the camera and immediately after, thinking about the cover photo. It goes without saying that it has to be in line with the spirit of the proposal and therefore a lot of attention should be paid to the so-called tone of voice used for communication.

The final step of this first phase is thepage optimization by entering the information requested by the social network. This is in particular the choice of a user name and the indication of preferences. So go to the invitation of friends and the population of the page with photos and posts or to try to widen the catchment area more and more.

The first steps to take to sell on Facebook

There is one dedicated page on Facebook which contains useful information for getting started to sell on Facebook, Instagram or both. Setting up a shop is free and takes a few minutes. After the products are approved and added to the catalog, customers can browse the shop and make purchases.

Among the aspects to pay attention to is that of choosing the purchase method. In fact, direct selling is only allowed in the United States, even if Facebook has already repeatedly declared its willingness to expand this possibility in more countries, including Italy. At this point, check the Purchase procedure on another website and click Next. The other fundamental step to take care of is the selection of the channel where to sell the products. Browse the available pages and locate the one you have created. At this point, check the page and click Next.

The next step is the creating a corporate account. Facebook reminds that anyone who sells on Shopify, BigCommerce or another partner platform can create a shop by importing and synchronizing products.

More features to sell on Facebook with the business account

To have access to more functionality to sell on Facebook it is certainly useful to open a company account. To do this, click on Create a new business account and then enter the Business Manager account name and an active email. Then click on Create and add the products. Select Create a new catalog, enter a name and proceed with Next.

The next step is choose the shipping area. From the drop-down menu select the region where you want to ship the goods and when the chosen area appears, just put the check mark and choose Next. The next step is approval by Facebook.

The last actions to be taken are viewing the preview and the tick of the item Sending your shop for control. After reading the contract and clicking on Complete configuration, you are waiting for the green light from Facebook but it is already possible to enter the products to sell.

How to showcase products and sell on Facebook

The insertion of the articles of the catalog complete with title, description and price of the product is the preliminary step to selling on Facebook. From Overview click on Add Articles. Check the Manual option and proceed with Next. Click on the + symbol and choose an image of the product to sell and then click Save.

At the photo enter a title and then a short description. Then in the Link to website box enter the link to the site on which to connect the possible buyer. Finally, move to the right and fill in the fields price, promotional price, category, conditions, availability. The same procedure must be repeated for each item to be sold. Once the page has been created, the shop activated and the products loaded, all that remains is to publish the showcase on Facebook.