The Batman: Colin Farrel talks about the spin-off series about the Penguin

The Batman will arrive in Italian cinemas on March 3, yet there is already talk of the future of this new Bat-verse. A series on HBO Max dedicated to the GCPD, the Gotham City Police Department has already been confirmed for some time, but considered Matt Reeves’ will to make his Dark Knight movie an origin story for Gotham’s villains, no wonder there are plans to prune the Bat’s enemies in the serial world as well. In these hours, Colin Farrel, commented on the hypothesis of a spin-off series of The Batman dedicated to Penguin, revealing some possible details on the series dedicated to his character, which entrusted to Lauren LeFrancwill chronicle the rise of Oswald Cobblepot.

Colin Farrell confides in the Penguin series, a spin-off of The Batman

Penguin is inspired by The Godfather

Interviewed by, Colin Farrell has told how the Penguin will be deepened in this spin-off series of The Batman:

“The way this film was made, I think for all the actors, for Patrick, Zoe, Paul and Jeffrey, as for me, it was a great collaborative experience. With films of this magnitude, you don’t always manage to create a collaborative environment like Matt did. Matte has a very precise idea of ​​how this world should be, and of the intimate experience of each character. But he wanted each of us to add their own sense of history, their own vision “

A concept that was then extended to the series dedicated to Penguin:

“At this point, the idea of ​​making a six or eight hour story dedicated to Oz (Oswald Cobblepot, Ed), went in the same direction. Lauren LeFranc had some brilliant insights, and it’s really fascinating to be able to further explore this character, his strengths and his underworld, his propensity for violence. But we also have a man with a broken heart, which makes it all the more exciting. I would love to do it, and he won’t believe it until I’m in the costume, until I have Mike Marino’s make up again and feel ‘action!’, Only then will I believe it “

Waiting for more news on the spin-off series of The Batman dedicated to Colin Farrell’s Penguin, the appointment is in theaters on March 3 for the new film dedicated to the Dark Knight.