After Yattamanit is now the turn of theanime The predators of timeknown in Japan as Time Patrol Tai Otasukeman (Taimubokanshirīzu Taimupatorōru-tai Otasukeman), to land on Anime Generation, the first thematic channel entirely dedicated to Japanese animation, which has already welcomed many anime masterpieces. We remind you that in order to access Anime Generation it is necessary to have a subscription to Amazon Prime Video, the price of which is 36 euros per year or 3.99 euros per month with a free 14-day trial.
About theanime The predators of time
The predators of the time (recover DVDs on Amazon!) is an anime produced by Tatsunokobelonging to the series Time Bokan, of which it is the fourth series. It consists of 53 episodes that aired in Japan from February 2, 1980 to January 31, 1981 and broadcast in Italy starting in 1985.
The basic idea for the Time Bokan Series comes from the mind of Tatsuo Yoshida, the founder of Tatsunoko himself. The other names involved in the project are: Hiroshi Sasagawa as the director and screenwriter of the series; Ippei Kuriscriptwriter, character creator and producer; Kunio Ōkawara is the mecha designer while Yoshitaka Amano is the illustrator and creator of the characters.

This is the synopsis:
Burning with the ambition of becoming the most beautiful woman, the most renowned scientist and the greatest hero the world has ever known, three villains – Atasha, Sekobitchi and Duwarusuki – join forces. The trio appears as Time Patrollers, the keepers and protectors of the annals of history. But this is just a cover for the trio, as the villains are in league with a nefarious leader, who is trying to alter the course of history to satisfy his wishes. Under the leader’s instructions, the trio travels through time with the goal of altering recorded history. Only Hikaru and Nana, disguised as Rescuemen, stand between the bad guys and their targets.