They raise funds through sales of NFT’s to fight fires in Argentina

Cartoonists, illustrators, a pop-rock music band from Argentina, on February 24 began the launch and sale of a series of NFT’s pieces for 48 hours; in order to raise funds to provide help to combat the fires that are occurring in the city of Corrientes.

Decur (illustrator and cartoonist), Liniers (illustrator), Nik (cartoonist) and the musical band Viva Elástico, are the ones at the head of this charitable work and the money they raise will be donated in full to the Fundación Rewilding Argentina.

So far this year, the province of Corrientes has been alarmingly affected by forest firesdestroying large amounts of hectares around the city and with them, the species that inhabit them.

Therefore, various entities have taken charge of dealing with the fires so that they do not continue to expand and one of them is the Fundación Rewilding Argentina. Same as since 2010, it has been in charge of combating the extinction of species and the deterioration of the environment.

This new initiative will serve to demonstrate to new organizations the different uses that can be given to NFTs and the multiple benefits they have to offer.

The expansion of crypto art and the adoption of non-fungible tokens at a social level have gradually become something common in society In addition, they are proof that it is not necessary to be part of large entities in the cryptographic world to be part of them.

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