A small news of Instagram speeds up the sending of posts

Instagram is handing out a small but interesting Announcement within the application for Android, which points to speed up sharing and sending posts like Direct. Let’s find out in detail what it is.

Instagram introduces a small novelty for sending posts such as Direct

With the novelty in distribution, Instagram allows you to speed up the sending of posts as Direct to the most recent contacts: it is in fact sufficient to keep pressed on the appropriate icon (the usual one with the airplane) to see I most recent contacts as pop-ups, so you don’t have to search for them manually.

This is a small refinement of the Instagram app that we are sure will be very useful to some users, since it allows you to save a step and not have to go and find individual contacts within a long list. In the screenshot below you can find out what the pop-up in question looks like.


The novelty is as often happens in server-side distribution, so there is no need to worry if it is not yet available on your smartphone despite the latest version of the app. To be sure, you can still check that you have the latest release of Instagram for Android by following the badge below.

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