Esendex, multi-channel mobile communication plays an increasingly key role

Considered for some time strategic and differentiating, the Customer Experience is also recognized by many as the new frontier of loyalty.

The overall experience that a customer experiences in relating with the company contributes, in fact, substantially to decision to repeat a purchase and brand awareness itselftherefore, all the elements that allow to improve it are in fact essential for the success of a company.

Second research conducted by PwCtwo of the most important aspects in the Customer Experience are the speed and ease of use of a service and this makes the different mobile messaging channels, today more than ever, key factors in ensuring a positive customer experience.

In the field, for example, of logistics, transport and returns, which are experiencing unprecedented growth thanks also to the boom in ecommerceSMS, which according to a recent survey ** carried out by Esendex have an opening rate of over 96%, therefore, ensure a near certainty of reading, are essential for confirming shipments, providing and much more.

Also for an efficient management of appointments, limiting the phenomenon of “no show”, long waiting times and costs deriving from possible setbacks, mobile messaging plays an increasingly key role, thanks to the possibility of sending confirmations and short reminders via SMS and to change or cancel appointments by taking advantage of the opportunities made available by WhatsApp Business and ChatBots.

But that is not all. A good customer experience cannot be separated from an excellent Customer Care service and even in this case today it is really important to be able to offer integrated and continuous communication on all the assistance channels available, including as many mobile messaging tools as possible, in order to guarantee the customer support in the way they prefer.

“The approach that puts the customer at the center is the one that is currently considered successful and although our country, especially when we are talking about medium-small businesses, is still in an initial phase of this process, it is spreading more and more also in Italy awareness of the strategic role of the Customer Experience “he declared Carmine Scandale, Head of Sales of Esendex Italia.

Who continued: “To be considered truly satisfactory and also have a positive impact on brand loyaltythe Customer Experience cannot, however, provide for a multi-channel strategy, which must be studied and tailored to each reality and include different mobile communication tools, in order to be as close as possible to the needs of each customer. “.