Galaxy S22, what a welcome in Korea! Previous presale records torn apart

When a top-of-the-range smartphone is launched on the market there is immediately the curiosity – and the interest – to know if presales and sales they went well, and if the public welcomed with heat the technological novelty. These data are of fundamental importance especially for the producers themselves (as well as for the market as a whole), who, on the basis of the type of reception received, can then work more precisely on the sales estimates for the coming months. The parameters that affect the quarterly performance of companies depend on this, and Samsung, with its Galaxy S22, is certainly not far behind.

The official announcement dates back just two weeks ago, but we can already get an idea of ​​how the 2022 series has met the expectations of the market. In Italy all three models are currently practically unobtainable, in South Korea we then speak of real ones record. Galaxy S22, S22 Plus and S22 Ultra are reporting actually impressive numbers:

  • 300,000 units sold on the first day (February 22)
  • 1.02 million units booked in the presale phase (from 14 to 21 February)

The record recorded in South Korea is therefore twofold: never in a single day in the country had so many Galaxy smartphones been sold, considering that the Z Fold 3 and Z Flip 3 had stopped at 270,000. AND even pre-orders of the S22 series have far exceeded the previous record of the Galaxy S8 with 1.004 million units. Which, among other things, had remained in presale for 11 days, and not 8 like Galaxy S22: in short, this year’s top range has done better, and in less time.

In third place – again in relation to the South Korean market – is the Galaxy Z Fold 3, whose overall pre-sales totaled 920,000 units.

Among the three smartphones, Galaxy S22 Ultra was the one that attracted the attention of the public the most with the 60% of pre-orders – the remaining 40% is divided between the basic and Plus models, but the source does not report the respective percentages.

(updated February 23, 2022, 8:42 pm)