TIM strike, 70% membership. The trade unions: “politics cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened”

THE employees of TIM I’m on a war footing. Today 70% of workers joined one general strike against the hypothesis of ‘stew‘, as it is called by the trade unions, ie the spin-off of the company.

Two new companies created ad hoc: on the one hand NetCowhich will take care of the management of the networks, on the other ServiceCo, which will take over the services to individuals and companies. The presentation of the industrial plan is expected on March 2nd. In short, time is now running out.

Today Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl and Uilcom Uil were in the square with hundreds of workers of the TIM. “The strike had a very high participation, we continue the mobilization with the meetings with the political forces to protest against the stew“, Declares Giorgio Serao of the secretariat Fistel Cisl. Which continues: “The fragmentation of the company represents a mere financial operation to sell assets and restore the shareholders of the losses of these years“.

At stake are 40,000 workers at risk of redundancy. In the meantime, the unions are claiming broad support for the strike. “Politics cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened,” says Riccardo Saccone, national secretary of the Slc CGIL.

Tomorrow the unions will meet Matteo Salvini. It is not a random choice, the trade unions have precisely the minister of economic development in their sights Giancarlo Giorgettiin Lega share.

On the Tim affair we have the feeling that the Government and Minister Giorgetti are in hibernation: we are waiting for them to strike a blow. We ask him, but above all the 42 thousand employees of the company and the same number of related industries: 80 thousand families who have the right to have their employment levels and their future guaranteed”Declares the leader of the UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri.

And also Aiipthe association representing internet providers, intervenes against the co-investment proposal presented by the top management of TIM to AGCOM in January:

The real co-investment presupposes an effective co-determination, by the participating operators, of the infrastructural development activities in the territories. On the other hand, what Tim proposed does not differ in the final analysis from a mere rent, or from a sale of passive resources in forms substantially similar to those existing for decades in our market, which is given the name of ‘co-investment’ for the sole purpose of free the former monopolist from his regulatory obligations”Said the Chairman of Aiip, Giovanni Zorzoni.

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