Iliad Fibra, misleading advertising and the JUR blocks it

There is a hitch in Iliad’s debut in the fiber market. The advertising message with which he summarized the merits of his offer was deemed misleading by the advertising jury which, with the ruling of February 22, decided to block it. Block advertising, it is specified immediately, clarifying that the provision does not affect in any way the other activities of Iliad which will be able to continue to carry out the activations of its fiber offer. WindTre raised doubts about the advertising message, initiating the procedure at the IAP (Institute of Advertising Self-discipline).

The message deemed misleading is specifically what it says:

Iliad box is born, the clear and round fiber with speeds up to 5 gigabytes per second overall. For Iliad mobile users, at 15 euros and 99

At the moment the Jury did not share the detailed reasoning which led to the adoption of the measure – will arrive in the next few days, confirms a spokesperson al Corriere della Sera. The concise press release simply says:

The Jury, having examined the documents and having heard the parties, declares that the commercial communications examined are in contrast with art. 2 CA within the limits set out in the motivation and orders its termination

Pending further clarifications, we can only put forward some hypotheses. For example, the reference to “5 GBIT / s overall” could be unclear, especially for less experienced users. This is an aspect that we have been able to deal with in specific in-depth studies:

The operator’s response was not long in coming, stating:

We are very surprised by the intervention of the Jury following the request presented by one of our competitors, since, as always, we communicate the characteristics of our offers with the utmost transparency. We expect to know the reasons for this provision to understand it and evaluate any actions