The One UI 4.0 already outdated that’s when the 4.1 will arrive on the top of the Samsung range

The answer was very comprehensive and informs us that One UI 4.1 will arrive first on Galaxy S21 Ultra (our review here) and the update should be available since February. Recall that we always speak about the South Korean market, but the timing should not vary much even for the global release. Subsequently, it will be the turn of the other S21s and Notes, for which the update is still under development and no temporal indications have been released in this regard.

The arrival of the One UI 4.1 around February is not at all strange, as it will be the same software version that we will see equipped on the next S22, S22 Plus and Ultra, which will enjoy a slight advantage – also from this point of view – compared to current models which, however, will not last long. In short, the days when Samsung reserved the latest version of Android (12 in this case) to the outgoing top of the range, artificially slowing down the development on previous models and it seems that the same reasoning will also be applied to the minor release of the One UI that will be distributed in the future.

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